Retreat Day #2

12 January 2013


Today was the second day of the retreat and Fr. Peter Phan continued to engage and enlighten his audience. The afternoons are generally free to enable people to walk or go to the beach or read or sleep or whatever.


Chatting before morning prayer
After breakfast and before morning prayer, Tom Dunleavy and Sami Scott (standing) chatted with Mary Little and Mary Lou Doran (sitting).
Checking the bulletin board
A bunch of announcements and sign-up sheets went on to the bulletin board today in preparation for arranging for buses and vans for the return trip to Bangkok, at the end of the retreat for some people, and a day or two later for the others.
Helen Graham and John Beeching
The retreat center has a good wifi system and Helen Graham and John Beeching were checking out some information together.
Filipina conversation
Before lunch, a Filipina chat group formed with Lenette Bertumen, Arlene Sale, Marge, and Becky Macuga.
Center of traffic

This is a busy wing of the retreat center. The large meeting room is on the left, with a bathroom next to it, and then a computer room and the retreat center office.

Vangie Pico
Several English language newspapers are made available for our group each morning, and last night someone--on a trip to a mall--bought a copy of this tabloid from London, England which Vangie Pico is perusing.
Sue Gribbons and Liz Kato
Sue Gribbons and Liz Kato enjoyed an informal conversation during the morning break.
Fr. Peter Phan
Fr. Peter Phan continued his input with lectures no. 3 and no. 4 today.
Afternoon break discussion
After lunch Paul Masson, Joe Thaler, Sami Scott, and Mary Grenough stayed on at the table to continue their discussion.
Charlie Dittmeier at mass
Charlie Dittmeier presided at the morning liturgy today.
Lindsay Doucette and Charlie Dittmeier
Lindsay Doucette, a lay missioner from Cambodia, offered her reflections on mission and life in community during the liturgy.
Afternoon question session
At 2:00 PM, Peter Phan invited anyone interested to gather for a question session in which we could ask about or discussion a wide range of theological issues and problems in the church and world today.

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